Aug 18, 2009


Hey, swimmers, don’t limit yourself to lanes, the aquatic version of a hamster wheel. And landlubbers, give up the notion that strength training and cardio are best done on terra firma.

Aqua aerobics, or aquatic fitness, is no longer the domain of people recovering from injuries, trying to exercise despite limited abilities or struggling with chronic conditions such as arthritis.

Pool workouts are hot, especially group exercise classes. The latest ones incorporate Pilates, kickboxing and strength training, targeting all muscle groups and building endurance.

“Working out in the water is excellent cross-training,” says Julie Seamster, an aquatic fitness instructor at California Family Fitness in Sacramento. “On land you’re using gravity, but in water you’re using the water’s properties – it’s heavier than air, and you have resistance in all directions.”

Water also provides bones and joints with a break from constant pounding-a bigboon for those who run or play sports such as football, volleyball and basketball.

“You also have the challenge of maintaining core stability,” says Doris Dodge-Thews, a master trainer with 24-Hour Fitness. “Any time you’re in water, you challenge the core to maintain any movement.” Water’s constant motion forces the body to stay upright and balanced, which targets the muscles in the trunk and back.

We asked three aquatic fitness experts for their favorite pool exercises that can be added to lane swims, or done on their own. Some exercises require minimal equipment, such as small, hand-held buoys or water noodles, which can be found at most sporting goods stores or online.

Niecia Staggs, masters swim coach, Equinox, Southern California

For a good cardio exercise that also works the leg muscles, begin by resting your arms on a water noodles place around your back in a C-shape. Bend your body at the hips in a V, so the feet are at the surface. Make sure your core is tight and legs are straight with toes pointed. Holding tension in the leg muscles, cross the feet back and forth at the ankles, just below the surface of the water. Do it as briskly as you can. Start with one and a half minutes and gradually work up to about five minutes.

While still in the V position, do leg sweeps. Keep the right leg straight and push the toes toward the left hand, then reverse it take the left foot over to the right hand. You’ll feel it in the core, but this also targets the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes, similar to a kicking exercise. Do about 12 to 16 reps on each leg.

Deck push-ups are great for the shoulders, back and arms. Stand by the side of the pool facing the pool’s edge, with hands shoulder-width apart, about chest-high on the deck. Push down through the palms and, with a little jump, come out of the water so that your hips are even with the deck. Hold that position for a couple of seconds and then lower slowly.

( Los Angeles Time )

To be continued…

LA ZZIDO health & beauty


A woman cleaning her child with a contaminated water.

According to the city’s Public Works Office data,

70 percent of the country is forced to wash in contaminated water.

( JG Photo/Afriadi Hikmal )

LA ZZIDO health & beauty


Katina Brock. water aerobics instructor, North Valley Family YMCA, Northridge

For a cardio boost, try tuck jumps. Start by having your feet on the bottom of the pool, water about chest-high. Push off the bottom and go into a tuck position, bringing your hands to you shins, like you’re doing in cannonball. If you pool your arms down hard, you’ll feel it. Then released the arms as the feet shoot down to the bottom. It’s better to do this quickly – don’t rest on the return to get your heart rate up and work the legs more. To make this move more difficult, start with one leg lifted in the tuck position and alternate legs coming up into the tuck position instead of both coming up at the same time. Consider this interval training do it for a minute or two minutes, gradually increasing the time.

Jumping jacks are also good for cardio and working major leg muscles. Start with feet together, touching the bottom of the pool, arms by side and water about mid-chest-high. Jump out so the feet are wide, and the arms come straight out to the side. Jump back to a standing position, and repeat, but don’t land stiff-legged-land with some softness in the knees to absorb the small amount of impact to the legs.

For a faux cycling workout, put the noodle between your legs for buoyancy and move your legs as if you were pedaling. You can move your arms in a breast stroke or a paddling motion, and even cycle backward.

Lean back like you are going uphill, or lean forward slightly as if for downhill. Even if you are a cyclist, by doing this in the water you’ll be using slightly different muscle groups. It’s just different enough, but allows you to keep or improve your training endurance and skills.

( Los Angeles Time )

To be continued…

LA ZZIDO health & beauty


A number of artists performing as part of a campaign of the 2009 International Breast-Feeding Week at

Stasiun Balapan in Solo, Central Java. The campaign, titled “Kunthi’s Milk on Prameks Chariot”, aimed

to raise awareness about the importance of a mother’s breast milk to a child’s growth and development.

( JG Photo/Ali Lutfi )

LA ZZIDO health & beauty