Aug 18, 2009


Julie Seamster, aquatic fitness instructor, California Family Fitness

“ Working out in the water is excellent cross-training”

Jogging in the water is great for improving cardio, and the legs work while moving against the water. Try jogging in shallow water that comes up to between your navel and chest. As you jog, do a reverse breast stroke, in which your arms are coming in toward each other, so you’re kind of hugging the water. You’ll be resisting the water as you travel forward, which will impede your travel. Jog forward for about 16 counts, then go backward doing a regular breaststroke, which will impede your travel again. This helps to improve cardiovascular function and endurance. If trying this in the ocean, travel laterally so that the water level stays the same.

For the upper body, do bicep curls using hand-held buoys. With palms facing up and the buoy on the water’s surface, bring the buoy down, keeping the elbow steady and by your side. This exercise also targets the triceps – when you pull down, you’ll feel it in the back of the arm. Let the buoy up slowly. Do about eight to 12 reps for a couple of sets. Whenever you use buoyant equipment in this way, take precautions with your shoulder and neck. Holding the buoy, there’s a tendency to raise your shoulders up toward your ears, but your shoulders should be kept pressed down.

To work the core, stand in a squat position with both feet touching the ground and knees bent. The water should be about chest-high. Work the water with the upper body, scooping it with palms up, like your rowing a boat. You can do this with arms in unison, or alternating them. Squeeze the glutes and contract your abs and keep the core strong as you work the water with your hands.

Do this in intervals, starting with 20 seconds, gradually increasing it to 45 seconds.

( Los Angeles Time )

LA ZZIDO health & beauty

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