Aug 18, 2009


Katina Brock. water aerobics instructor, North Valley Family YMCA, Northridge

For a cardio boost, try tuck jumps. Start by having your feet on the bottom of the pool, water about chest-high. Push off the bottom and go into a tuck position, bringing your hands to you shins, like you’re doing in cannonball. If you pool your arms down hard, you’ll feel it. Then released the arms as the feet shoot down to the bottom. It’s better to do this quickly – don’t rest on the return to get your heart rate up and work the legs more. To make this move more difficult, start with one leg lifted in the tuck position and alternate legs coming up into the tuck position instead of both coming up at the same time. Consider this interval training do it for a minute or two minutes, gradually increasing the time.

Jumping jacks are also good for cardio and working major leg muscles. Start with feet together, touching the bottom of the pool, arms by side and water about mid-chest-high. Jump out so the feet are wide, and the arms come straight out to the side. Jump back to a standing position, and repeat, but don’t land stiff-legged-land with some softness in the knees to absorb the small amount of impact to the legs.

For a faux cycling workout, put the noodle between your legs for buoyancy and move your legs as if you were pedaling. You can move your arms in a breast stroke or a paddling motion, and even cycle backward.

Lean back like you are going uphill, or lean forward slightly as if for downhill. Even if you are a cyclist, by doing this in the water you’ll be using slightly different muscle groups. It’s just different enough, but allows you to keep or improve your training endurance and skills.

( Los Angeles Time )

To be continued…

LA ZZIDO health & beauty

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